Two months! Two months! I missed two whole months! I had one Doubling Project job and I missed two whole months. When I hopped on board, I was to be the keeper of the media–the blogger and the social media updater (I really don’t know if “updater” is a word . . . but let’s just go with it.) It was my part, my role to play in this land of buying and selling that we live in. But alas, life happens. Thus is the state of the Brandenburgs.
We haven’t stopped Doubling, nor have we launched our big plan to Double to Be Debt Free–just being honest. But we want to, we really, really want to! We think it can be done because we have seen Doubling help so many families go on vacation, pay off a credit card or two, have a little extra spending money, and most importantly spend time together.
Last year, Jamie decided he would Double full time. And let me tell you, he did it! He paid our bills, took us on trips, and we still did all the little things we liked to do. (Another point of honesty: If you didn’t already know, we are foodies. We love to try new places, and Nashville is full of them. So, we eat out WAY more than we should.) Our family’s Doubling paid for it all!

But, it wasn’t easy. It was hard . . . REALLY hard. So, we regrouped, and as I mentioned last time, Jamie dove straight into real estate. And let me tell you, he’s kind of rockin’ it, but he hasn’t stopped Doubling. The difference is, now, he’s doing it for fun! That’s how it started–a fun project for Jamie and the kiddos. He still goes out and about hunting for treasure, that unique item he can Double . . . but it doesn’t have to pay the bills.
Kensi has her heart set on a white Jeep. She’s only fourteen, but she knows what she wants. And how might she pay for such an item? Doubling, of course! She has already started to save. She has items listed and plans to reinvest as she Doubles her way to a Jeep by the time she is sixteen. When Kensi puts her mind to something, it happens. Just so you know, Kensi has a super cool idea for her own blog 🙂 We’ll post when it’s up and going!
Jack . . . that boy never stops buying and selling! Right now he is upstairs sorting through Lego mini-figs. He knows there are certain ones that can be quite valuable, so he plans to sell the ones he has in duplicate. And I’m pretty certain he told me that he wants to by more . . . because they are worth a lot and he wants to sell them. He just recently purchased the Labo for the Nintendo Switch. He had his money saved and brought it home the day it released. Side note: OH. MY. GOODNESS! Nintendo for the win! Players first build something out of cardboard, program and play with it, and then unlock the instructions for more items to build. Really? Well played Nintendo. Well played. (Pun intended)
As for me, and the honest reason it’s been two months since my last post, I’ve been writing, editing, teaching, and taking care of our home. Lots of great things are lining up for me in my writing world, which I will be sharing more of in the future–kind of hush-hush for now. And, I just couldn’t seem to get my brain wrapped around what to say to all of our TDP followers. I’d write one thing, then change my mind–or get started and realize there were wet clothes in the dryer. I did, however, put the finishing touches on the rough draft of my sixth novel–ta da!
We have been life-ing. Yep, the Brandenburgs have been life-ing. But, we are still here, doing our Doubling thing. So, there you have it. A bit of an update on the State of the Brandenburgs. As all our newness begins to level out, we’ll launch Double to be Debt Free. In the meantime, don’t stop. It’s yard sale season after all! Get out there and Double! (And don’t forget to let us know about it!)
Love you all!